One yes to God that I thought was going to be just two short months has turned into a big move and even bigger life changes. This last year has brought many moving parts....moving to Nashville, meeting my future husband, launching a little business, starting to teach again, new friends, new jobs, new states, new homes, and I feel like the list can go much change. Good change and hard change. Looking back, I have learned a lot, but looking forward, I feel like I still have a lot to learn. I guess that is a good thing. :)
Here are some things that I have learned and am continuing to work on. I have been talking to so many girlfriends about all of these things, I figured I would write them all out in hopes that they might help some of y'all. :)
1. Time with Jesus daily. Put away the distractions!! For me this is logging out of social, turning on that worship music, getting in the word, lots of prayer walks, and maybe even a faith-based podcast. I need that time throughout my day to give Him thanks, surrender my worries, and focus my mind. I found myself neglecting time with Him and blamed it on all of the travel/distractions. Turns out, that made me feel lost, disconnected, and worried. Getting back into a good little routine has helped restore me."He makes me lie down in green pastures, and leads me beside still waters (Ps. 23)."
2. Girlfriends are key. No matter how you’re wired—introvert, extrovert, socially adept or socially awkward—something in each of our souls longs for meaningful relationships with others. As a woman I have learned one of my deepest desires is to be fully known and fully loved. How beautiful that our Father fulfills that desire (Psalm 39:1-4). We long to know others and be known by them. We treasure friendships that allow us to truly be ourselves. Authentic community has been key for me to help me through some of the "why did God bring me to Nashville" days. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24-25)."
3. Get involved in a local fitness studio and/or class to meet friends. This is a simple one, but right when I moved here I started helping out very part time at a local fitness studio and it turned into a fun hobby of mine! I met some of the sweetest friends and we all have something in common that we love to do together.
4.“Bad” days are relative to each person’s experience but we all have them. There will be plenty of bad days but even more good days :). Whether is is the best day, or a tear filled day of wondering, God is teaching me something and I have to cling to Him (see #1). I need his grace and mercy to get me through.
5. Jesus has you where He wants you, and will make His way when the time is right. He works on a mysterious time table. Right now, I believe that Jesus wants me where I feel a bit uncomfortable. There are lots of unknowns and unanswered questions, but the reality is I don’t get to know all the ways that God is using difficult days to accomplish His purposes. It is clear that He is using them to continually make me reliant on Him, and nothing else.
There ya go! Those are just a few of my thoughts as of late and what I have been learning. ♡ Thank you for following along on my little corner of the internet.